“My son, an arahat does not  get angry with anyone  he is restrained in his senses  and is perfectly CALM AND  SERENE “

“As a solid rock is not shaken by the wind, even so, the wise are not  ruffled by PRAISE or BLAME”

“Irrigators lead the waters fletchers to bend the shafts, carpenters bend the wood, the wise control themselves “

Do not dwell in the past . . . . Do not dream of the future . . . . .Concentrate the mind  on the present MOMENT “

Associate not with Evil Friends,. . . .Associate not with mean men . . . .Associate with Good friends . . . .  .Associate  with NOBLE MEN “

The Good  Give up ( Attachment for) Everything. the saintly prattle not with sensual craving whether affected by happiness or by pain. The Wise  show neither elation nor depression “

It is in the nature of foolish to be full of sorrow and feel depressed when things go wrong and to be full of gladness and feel elated when things go well. The wise however can withstand the Ups and Downs of Life.


Fools when doing evil deeds do not know them being evil, but they cannot escape evil consequences.

Neither for the sake of oneself nor for the sake of another (does a wise person do any  He should not desire son, Wealth or Kingdom by doing wrongdoing, by unjust means. He should not seek his own success. Then only such a one is indeed virtuous, wise and righteous.

There is no evil that can not be done by the liar who has transgressed the one law of truthfulness and who is indifferent to a world beyond.

One who is not afraid lies and one who does not care what happens in the future existence will not hesitate to do any evil.

Therefore, with the intelligent, the wise, the learned, the enduring, the dutiful and the Ariya, with a man of such virtue and intellect should one associate, as the moon follows the STARY PATH.

The Good & the rare .. . .

Rare is birth as the human being. Hard is the life of mortals. HARD IS THE HEARING  OF SUBLIME TRUTH. Rare is the appearance of Buddhas.

DO GOOD & BE GOOD . . . . .

Not to do any evil to cultivate good, to purify one’s mind, this is the teaching of Buddha.

But who has this feeling fully cutoff up rooted and destroyed, gains peace by day and by night.

In this sky there is no track, outside there is no saint, Mankind delights in Obstacles. The Tathagatas are free from

Not by mere eloquence. Not by handsome appearance does a man become good-natured Should he be jealous, selfish and deceitful.

The way is Not in the Sky. The Way is in the Heart.

Easy is the life of shameless one, who is imprudent as a crow, backbiting. Presumptuous, arrogant and corrupt  ( means Going beyond what is wrong )

Hard is the life of modest one who ever seeks purity, humble clean life or reflective.

Without health, life is not life. It is only a state of languor and suffering an image of death.

Three things can not be long hidden, the Sun, the Moon and the TRUTH.

Calm is his mind . . . . Calm is his speech. . . . . .Calm is his action

Who rightly knowing is wholly freed, perfectly peaceful and equipped.  equipoise

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness is the BEST RELATIONSHIP.

I never see what has been done. I only see what remains to be done.

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle and the life of the candle will not be shortened, happiness never decreases by being SHARED.


Let every odd translate into a unique petal of fortune ;

Let the joy of heart  transpire  composure  of mind ;

Let fragrance and fragrance meet you.

Small minds pray God doesn’t give me problems. Great minds pray God give me the power to face the problems.

The distance of the road to success becomes shorter as soon as you take the first step…Greg Phillips

Become the master of your mind rather let your mind master you. Nichiren Daishonin

It is not enough that we do our best sometimes, we have to do what is required. Sir Winston Churchill

Hanuman has 8 names, Hanuman, Bhajaranabali, Maruti, Pavanputra, Sankata Mochan, Ram Dhut, Mahavir, Balaji.

When it is obvious that the goal cannot be reached, do not adjust the goals. adjust the actions. Confucius.

When the wondrous mystic Law, the seed of Buddha-hood is activated in the ground of your lives, it simultaneously produces flowers and beneficial fruit in the form of wisdom and compassion  Daisaku Ikeda.

Success is the sum of small efforts repeated  day in and day out  Robert Collier

Unless we try to do something beyond what we have already mastered, we can never grow.. Ronald Osborn

Buddhism is about being wise  and taking  courage  in our active faith in the mystic Law  give us the ultimate  courage  to be unafraid of  anything  to face even the most  trying  hardships with a positive  challenging  spirit   and surmount  them without fail   Daisaku Ikeda

Trust your self-create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life . Golder Meir

Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. Take action to get it . Jack Canfield.

Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting. >  NAPLEION Hill

Failure is not in not reaching your goal but in  having no goal to reach .>  Benjamin Mays

Praying based on Mystic law means making a vow to be victorious. The moment we chant with deep prayer our future victory is assured. It is to practice  with  our lives  the wonderful single  law  that simultaneously possesses both  cause and effect .> >>  Nichiren  Daishonin

VICTORIES often occur after you see no way to success but refuse to give up anyway. DANE Weinbaum

Big results require big ambitions. James Champy

Being instead of reactive, observe your feelings to react.

Feeling anchored highest compassion and love level

Thinking highest  who am I

Doing Highest doing

Beneath no one, no one is beneath it immune  to criticism

Change your perceptions you can increase your growth.